Thursday, October 21, 2010

Blogtoberfest Day 21: 100th Post

Yay! Post number 100!
Now I know I promised you a giveaway, but I have 90 feet of bunting to make before tomorrow night so I'm holding off for a couple of days. 
Giveaway stuff is sitting here ready to be photographed and posted, but there are piles of bunting and fabric with my name on them!

Sorry Peeps, hopefully I'll be back here tomorrow.


  1. It's looking good! Can't wait to see the finished product.

  2. Cute fabrics! I may have missed it, but what are using all of this bunting for?
    (Oh wait, you're busy...probably don't need more questions. :) I'll just wait for the post when you're all finished.) :)


  3. Wow, niney feet!!!!??? That's a lot of bunting!!

  4. I understand how you feel! Sometimes you just have to finish one project before venturing into something else or else you are left feeling unaccomplished all the time. Good luck finishing the truck load of bunting!
