About four months ago my cousin bought her two little girls to come and visit us.
CB1 (cousin's baby one) who is four was devastated to find the our old toy does not contain toys like hers does but wood for the fire and the other big box (my blanket box) is full of tupperware!
After she made my dad open and close the wood box a few times just to double check there was really no toys in there, I remembered my ooshka babushkas on my bed.
Oops, just realised I never blogged about the other one!
CB1 carried them both around all day and had a hard time giving them up when she had to hop in the car and go home. I promised to make her one of her own before I saw her next.
Fast forward four month and my cousin told her I would be coming to visit.
First thing she said was "Is she bringing dolly for me"! My cousin had not said one word about it for four months and she still remembered!
So here is my very happy customer!
"My" two little girls and their dollies.
Think CB2 may not understand dolly is for cuddling not crawling over!
Hi everyone!